Faculty of Science
M.Sc I-Semester Examination Nov./Dec 2008
M.Sc I-Semester Examination Nov./Dec 2008
Paper -- 1.3 (Microprocessors and Microcontrollers)
SECTION -- A (Marks : 8 X 4 = 32)
1. Write short note on Decoder.
2. Explain R-2R ladder D/A converter.
3. Write note on ISA BUS Architecture.
4. Discuss Machine control instructions of 8085.
5. Write short notes on segment registers.
6. Explain briefly 8257(DMA Controller).
7. Discuss about Register A and Register B of 8051 Microcontroller.
8. Write about scanners.
SECTION -- B (Marks : 4 X 12 = 48)
9. (a) Mention different types of counters and explain binary counter with diagram and timing diagram.
(b) Explain any two types of A/D Converters.
10. (a) Describe architecture of 8085 Microprocessor with neat diagram.
(b) Explain the addressing modes of 8085 with examples.
11. (a) Describe the following :-(i) Register Organization in 8086. (ii) Status flags of 8086.
(b) Draw the block diagram of 8253 Counter/Timer and explain.
12. (a) Explain the arithmetic group instructions of 8051 with examples.
(b) Describe the addressing modes of 8051 with examples.
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