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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Faculty of Science
M.Sc I Semester Examination, April/May 2009
Computer Science Paper 1.2
Modern Operating System

Section A (Marks : 8 X 4 = 32)

1. Explain briefly the critical section problem.
2. Explain different process states.
3. What is thrashing? What is it required?
4. Write page replacement and why is it required?
5. Explain any two failure classifications in detail.
6. What is log? Explain its role in serializability.
7. Explain about kernel and demons in Unix System.
8. Write ps Commands with its field structure and example.

Section -- B (Marks: 4 X 12 = 32)

9. (a) What is deadlock? Explain prevention and recovery measures.

(b) Explain the distributed system architecture and different issues involved in it.

10. (a) What is thread? Explain different levels of threads used in distributed operating system.


(b) What are the differences between paging and segmentation? Explain their uses in detail.

11. (a) What is a protocol? Explain two phase commit protocol in detail.


(b) What are different security facilities available in windows and Unix system.

12. (a) What is the necessity of a backup? Explain different medias used for system backup.


(b)(i) Write the procedure for disk installation in Unix System.
(ii) Explain about ps command and field values available while using it.

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